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Intel pentium 120 
My first computer used a pentium 120 processor.I had passive colling Boy ,those were the days. I still have the processer ....

Intel® Core™ Processor Family

The 2nd generation Intel® Core™ processor 
family delivers smart performance and built-in visuals for a visibly better PC experience. The new image of smart performance has arrived.
Itel Pentium Pro
My second computer had duel pentuim pro's . he pentium pro was a big leap beyond the pentium. It did really fast 32 bit operations. It had lots of fast cache. It was really expensive. The motherboard was the 
Intel Providence motherboard, which is how a server motherboard should be designed. The actual processors were rated at 166 mhz, and had a 512mbyte cache. I bought them used, and they were overclocked to 200mhz. I was a bit worried at first, but I never had any problems with the cpu's being overclocked. I suspect that Intel had great yields of their Pentium Pro's and decided to mark some to run at 166 mhz, since they couldn't sell them all at the more expensive 200 mhz cost. This taught me that it is often a good idea not to buy the fastest rated processor, but rather get a cheaper one in the hope that it will overclock. This has proved to be a good idea,  see Intel Xeon for more details. The p6-166 with 512kb of cache uses 27.5 - 35 watts according to Intel. The p6-200 with 512 kb of cache uses 32.6 - 37.9 watts according to Intel.

Intel with It's strong techonology provides an oppartuenity to work on cutting edge technology , pushing the boundaries of innovation and transforming the way people live and work.

Intel Involved India, an employee community volunteer program, has reached out to over 1,000 students in Bangalore City schools with computer donations. More than 150 employees from the IIDC helped two local orphanages through donations and teaching, and then went on to plant a forest of 450 saplings in the heart of the city. Intel Involved India also provides support for registered, non-profit organizations that promote education, the environment and civic activities.

SEEING THE BIG PICTURE, Intel says it will channel $12 million into a visual computing institute (VCI) in Saarland University in Germany, over the next five years.
Chipzilla's cash splash-out is the largest amount the firm has ever spent on university collaboration, showing how important advanced graphics and visual computing technologies are becoming to the CPU maker, whose integrated graphics have long been a laughing stock.
According to Intel, visual computing a la Chipzilla will entail "analysis, enhancement and display of visual information to create life-like, real-time experiences and more natural ways for people to interact with computers and other devices." The chip behemoth also reckons the research will come in handy for a smorgasbord of other services including financial, scientific, data modeling, medical imaging and, last but not least, gaming.

mission of the German institute will be to add to the firm's tera-scale research programme, which ponders the philosophical question of whether multi-core computing can actually be used for higher-performance computing and more life-like graphics.

The VCI aims to employ about a dozen researchers to fill its staff ranks, from Saarland University, Max Planck Institute for Informatics, Max Planck Institute for Software Systems, the German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence and Intel itself.

German institute also felt it necessary to terrify neighbours by citing it "expected to grow by more than five times over the next 5 years and include collaborators from across Europe."
Justin Rattner, Intel's CEO and robot advocate in chief, noted his firm had worked with Saarland University "for a number of years," adding that "Given the growing importance of visual computing technology, it made perfect sense to expand our relationship and form this new institute."
The VCI aims to employ about a dozen researchers to fill its staff ranks, from Saarland University, Max Planck Institute for Informatics, Max Planck Institute for Software Systems, the German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence and Intel itself.

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