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The main objective of the course is to provide a comprehensive and state of the art knowledge in the area of mobile communication. The course emphasis is on the structure and function of the complete system. A detailed study of the subsystems that comprises the overall system is carried out. The technical knowledge provided in the course on different aspects of the system will help the participant in understanding the functioning of the system. This will further help in providing the necessary expertise required by the industry.

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Module 1 - Telecom Essentials
Introduction to Communication Systems, Wired, Wireless comparisons, requirements of communication systems, Modulation & types, digital communication system, Multiplexing, Demultiplexing, Transmission media and types of media, twisted pair, STP, UTP, coaxial pair, fiber optics, microwave, propagation and types of propagation, path loss and the factors effecting path loss, transmission lines and parameters, linear vs. logarithmic relations, Antenna theory, characteristics of antennas, types of antennas, noise, types of noise, SNR, noise figure, digital modulation techniques, D/A conversion methods, ASK, FSK, PSK, QPSK, OSI reference model, TCP/IP, circuit switching, packet switching, x.26, frame relay, ATM, ISDN, synchronous, asynchronous transmission, error detection and correction methods,

Module 2 - GSM & SS7
Multiple Access Methods, FDMA, TDMA, CDMA. Wireless Generations, Frequency concepts, Cellular System Architecture, Cell, Types of Cells, Cell splitting, Sectorization, Cluster, interference and types, GSM Architecture, MS, BSS, NSS, OSS, Interfaces between different network elements. Authentication, Handovers & types, Roaming & types, Channels on Air interface, Broadcast channels, Common control Channels, Dedicated channels, Traffic channels, TDMA frame concept, Burst, types of Bursts, GSM services, battery life, TA, DTX, DRX, multi path fading, GSM basic call sequence in different cases, MO, MT calls. Call flow during different types of hand over, GSM transmission process, GSM traffic cases, Subscriber related, equipment related, location related identities, GSM protocol stack, Protocols at different interfaces, traffic engineering, GOS, QOS, Speech coding and methods, SS7 basic concepts, Elements of SS7 architecture, SS7 links, SS7 protocol stack. SS7 signaling units, ISUP, TCAP basic call setup example.

Module 3 - CDMA & Advanced Topics
Features of CDMA, Capacity of CDMA, DSSS, FHSS, THSS, Types of Correlation, Diversity and types of diversity, Orthogonal Codes, PN codes, Walsh codes, IS-95 CDMA Architecture, Forward Link and Reverse Link Channels, Hand offs and types of Hand offs in CDMA, Power control in CDMA and types of power control methods, CDMA call processing states, Mobile originated call, Mobile terminated call, Call processing during hand off, Securtiy and Identification, Authentication Procedure, Speech Coding, Evolution of CDMA IS-95 to CDMA 2000, Network structure, Channels in CDMA 2000.
Advanced Concepts: GPRS, EDGE, WCDMA, UMTS overview, Basics of Wi-Fi and Wi-Max.

Module 4
Introduction to C, Concepts of Constants, Variables, keywords, Concepts of different instructions, Various operators , Basic programming concepts, Control instructions, Functions, Arrays, Structures/Unions, Storage classes, Macros, File operations, Data Structures (Linked Lists, Stacks, Queues).
Project: A Simulation Project will be done in C programming Language on the technical concepts that have been learnt in Module 2 and Module 3. 
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